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    Realism : i now have a more refined understanding of religion the near east palestine and israel
    DrUpine : He says it's normal not to have teeth.
    guru29 : Dadius you got a white parent right?? That why you calling me a coon??
    DrUpine : Apparently going to a dentist wasn't even a question.
    dadius : i came from BLACK balls guru
    guru29 : But you mama be white
    Realism : i learned about david Ickes book called And the truth shall set you free
    WatchingAndWatching : yo why you gotta take your dick out my mouth and bang it against my eye]
    Experimentx : lol Darius is a mutt like me
    dadius : both my parents black man
    Experimentx : Dadius
    TheiZ : Yeah, in your 60s when your body starts to rapidly degrade, not having teeth in your 30s is lazy.
    WatchingAndWatching : ahahahaha
    Experimentx : That’s awesome
    guru29 : I know you half white
    dadius : my father was lightskin
    dadius : how u know guru?
    TheiZ : If your teeth are fucked in your 30s, you made bad choices.
    Experimentx : So a mix?
    dadius : daddy did have green eyes tho
    Realism : i learned about Minister Ayelet Shaked calling palestinians "little snakes" unworthy of human rights
    Experimentx : Eeesh many people have bad teeth in thirties I think
    DrUpine : Even in your 60s there's no reason not to have teeth these days
    guru29 : I knows you fancy Americans with different beautiful colors
    Realism : a lot of refreshing of old info
    Experimentx : This girl asked me how my teeth were so white a couple weeks ago
    dadius : my father was a smooth red nigga like Terrance howard
    Experimentx : I was like….. I brush them
    guru29 : Kim Kardashian etc etc...
    TheiZ : He said he paid 15 grand for dentures.
    Realism : i forgot the new testament was for christians
    DrUpine : Losing one or two teeth is fine if you're 60. Losing them all and don't care is lazynesd
    dadius : "good" hair eyes
    TheiZ : That's insanely high for dentures.
    zduxz : retardism have you noticed no one cares ?
    Experimentx : She had yeller teeth that looked like they had ten days of plaque build up
    Realism : i forgot the canaanites the phonecians and the carthgenians are the same people
    TheiZ : Summer has yellow teeth.
    dadius : don't blow my high already real
    dadius : don't start wit that bs man
    Experimentx : I think kerim may have the worst teeth on chat
    DrUpine : can get almost 2 full set of implants
    Realism : of course u all about yourself
    Experimentx : Oh yeah I forgot about summer
    Experimentx : Her teeth are yellow
    Realism : u been socialized by europeans
    zduxz : jackeis teeth cant even chew
    Experimentx : Did she smoke or something?
    Realism : <<< Sober
    Experimentx : Jackie had teeth that were meant for a human jaw