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    Grammacles : cheesus christos
    Grammacles : not seen him for a while
    Grammacles : thankfully
    mk1vegas : diaperhead dummy
    nightflite : Likewise, but not been spending as much time here
    Grammacles : sad people lost down some rabbit hole of a fetish
    nightflite : yup
    Grammacles : never to return
    nightflite : I dont think I have any outrageous kinks or anything
    Grammacles : malice in wonderland
    69juanito69 has just logged out
    nightflite : Sits here in full leather suit*
    Grammacles : kinks like that are a kind of personality disorder if you ask me
    Grammacles : lol biker fetish
    nightflite : Yea could be right
    Grammacles : probably were abused as kids
    nightflite : That one guy who literally 'finishes' when females kick him full force in the ding-dong merrily on high *
    buitre147 has just logged in
    MissPriss29 has just logged in
    nightflite : Boggles me
    Grammacles : yup
    nightflite : Maybe yea.. luckily i wasn't but I had near misses
    nightflite : And some uncomfortable situations
    Grammacles : but seems some women will oblige - at a price
    wretchedknight has just logged in
    Grammacles : sure me too but i survived fairly intact lol
    nightflite : Good!
    nightflite : survived 3 times being spiked
    Grammacles : apart from my obsession with gargoyles
    nightflite : I think the last was my numbskull 'mates' though
    CampersTrails has just logged in
    Grammacles : yikes god no i wasn't in the rave/spike scene
    Grammacles : thankfully
    laxadazy has just logged out
    nightflite : Gargoyles? You like the proper ones?
    nightflite : up on cathedrals n such
    Grammacles : yup
    nightflite : Interesting
    Grammacles : i am obsessed with them
    nightflite : There's a house not far away with those on the posts, either side of the persons drive
    nightflite : Instead of lions
    nightflite : I'd love a Gremlin one, like in part 2
    Grammacles : i kinda love the fact that on these supposed temples to sacred love etc there are all these demons and creatures
    nightflite : Haha yup!
    nightflite : Is kinda nuts
    nightflite : Ever see that odd statue on the BBC HQ?
    nightflite : Kinda pervy looking, with a bloke n 2 children
    Grammacles : i know they are supposed to scare away evil but i think they have the opposite effect lol
    nightflite : This fella was smashing it up not long ago
    Grammacles : oh yeah i know it