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    rebeljaynex : nice well im jayne nice to meet you all
    BumbleBailey has just logged in
    Grammacles : hello jayne
    nightflite : Im Gaylord
    OrihimeF : Hi Jayne
    OrihimeF : Good afternoon Bailey ^^
    nightflite : Beezy, hoi
    rebeljaynex : does this chat have a notification noise thing to turn on ?
    BumbleBailey : Hi Orihime, hi punq
    nightflite : Hola
    BumbleBailey : HI GRAM
    Grammacles : only for IMs jayne
    Grammacles : HELLO CURSE
    Grammacles : how was the double dose?
    rebeljaynex : ohh thannks for letting me know
    BumbleBailey : It was great!
    nightflite : Need to raise $$$$$$
    nightflite : Ebay is doing my head in
    BumbleBailey : Although I'm still hungry after communion twice haha
    nightflite : I just had a nice bit of food
    nightflite : But also peckish a lil
    BumbleBailey : I'm going to fix lunch right away
    OrihimeF : What's communion Bailey?
    nightflite : I brought my washing in cus started to rain
    nightflite : Now.. dry
    nightflite : Outside
    nightflite : Fakk
    Sick135 : Am I the only one who feels lonely here?
    Johandaddy99 has just logged out
    nightflite : Lol Bee
    BumbleBailey : Communion is the bread and wine ceremony in Christianity
    Blackrose002 has just logged in
    nightflite : Communion is hardly a meal
    f4gs1ut9 has just logged in
    OrihimeF : Oh
    OrihimeF : I don't drink so I wouldn't like that hehe
    BumbleBailey : We don't have actual wine
    Grammacles : yeah well it is only a wee biscuit lol
    BumbleBailey : It's just grape juice
    Grammacles : boo
    BumbleBailey : I have wine at home tho
    nightflite : Boo
    nightflite :
    BumbleBailey : Are we talking birds again
    nightflite : Yes yes
    nightflite : XD
    samboy69 has just logged in
    nightflite : Exactly
    OrihimeF : Oh hehehe