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    nightflite : I'm like a 33
    BumbleBailey : Do you like your fries well done and extra salty? That's how I make them haha
    SimplyArcadia : It's ok
    SimplyArcadia : Yes and crunchy
    BumbleBailey : Oh yeah they're always extra crisp
    SimplyArcadia : That's how i like it
    SimplyArcadia : We can be fries buddies
    BumbleBailey : I need to get in shape also
    BumbleBailey : Ohh is it like the cheeseburger club?
    nightflite : I just need to be disciplined again
    nightflite : And start on my big long walks again
    SimplyArcadia : Omg! We all have the same thoughts
    BumbleBailey : Eating healthy can be difficult
    nightflite : Used to walk like 8 miles plus a day
    SimplyArcadia : To get in shape
    nightflite : In one go
    SimplyArcadia : It needs lots of determination and discipline
    xxRocketxx : .
    nightflite : I can eat what I like if I exercise correctly and do my intermittent fasting each night
    nightflite : I was super strict with it once, simples
    nightflite : I wouldn't crack at all
    SimplyArcadia : I am doing intermittent not 16 hours tho
    SimplyArcadia : 12 hours is enough
    nightflite : Over 12.. try 13
    divinity68 has just logged in
    nightflite : Under 12 is pointless
    divinity68 has just logged out
    SimplyArcadia : But weekend i can't control myself
    nightflite : Can still sip water
    SimplyArcadia : For me it's fine
    nightflite : Well weekends were my whatever days
    SimplyArcadia : Weekend can be my cheat day
    RedGuardian has just logged in
    nightflite : Even then i began still hesitating
    nightflite : Yup
    BBBThree has just logged in
    Loserguy0 has just logged out
    BumbleBailey : I don't have the attention span for a structured diet
    nightflite : I'm so stupid.. im not in best shape atm, but with very minimal effort I get results
    nightflite : Imagine if I really applied myself
    SimplyArcadia : I'm also doing eating one heavy meal a day
    SimplyArcadia : It's working
    nightflite : Ever done water fasting?
    nightflite : Often when we are hungry we are actually thirsty
    nightflite : So its really easy
    SimplyArcadia : I can't, I will die of hunger
    nightflite : Just avoid tap water as much as poss
    nightflite : Unless distilled
    SimplyArcadia : My tummy doesn't like tap water
    nightflite : I need a distiller