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    steeltoedsandals : damn
    BumbleBailey : Was it the percentage sign?
    steeltoedsandals : dont know what I said wrong and I got censored
    steeltoedsandals : haha I come back every few years when I get booted
    steeltoedsandals : Nice talking to you Bailey, I might be back in a few years haha
    BumbleBailey : The censors are very sensitive. I've had a bunch of names banned for no reason
    BumbleBailey : Okay take care!
    steeltoedsandals : haha well silly me, won't be long for me then
    steeltoedsandals : censors are butt hurt from some slight, years ago
    BumbleBailey : It's fine you can just make a new name
    sweetthings4u has just logged out
    steeltoedsandals : this is my 3rd name in like 10 years, haha enough already
    Marikahh : ju
    steeltoedsandals : well my God hates a coward so here I go again
    BumbleBailey : I've had this name for almost a year now
    BumbleBailey : I had one or two other ones banned in that time tho, and a bunch got banned last year
    steeltoedsandals : for real I just came back after a few years, so I will be extra careful
    Brad2024 has just logged in
    steeltoedsandals : but I must be a realllllly slowwww learner
    steeltoedsandals : ..............
    BumbleBailey : Haha me too
    BumbleBailey : Except I mean I'm innocent
    steeltoedsandals : bashing my head against the wall now, but I am wearing my hockey helmet
    BumbleBailey : Oh I need a helmet
    steeltoedsandals : haha innocent me too
    BumbleBailey : Just for like sleeping or whatever
    BumbleBailey : Right. I'm always behaved lol
    steeltoedsandals : yeah or mosh pits and stuff
    TheColombian has just logged in
    BumbleBailey : I don't find myself in mosh pits very often
    steeltoedsandals : never been thrown into one, but I am practicing
    BumbleBailey : Don't forget elbow and knee pads
    BumbleBailey : And a pocket protector
    steeltoedsandals : I was in the Boy Scouts, be prepared was our motto
    steeltoedsandals : and extra pens
    creamation has just logged in
    1asianwife has just logged in
    BumbleBailey : Yes of course, gotta have the pens to flex on people with
    Oceanwaters24 has just logged in
    Tammy4nawttyRP has just logged out
    steeltoedsandals : they taught us to kill with dental floss and a toothpick hahaha
    BumbleBailey : That seems incredibly inefficient tho
    BumbleBailey : Like how much is a knife
    mk1vegas has just logged in
    Lottaoptions has just logged in
    mk1vegas : natural born killer
    steeltoedsandals : we all had knives, but they were for making dinner, we were civilized
    Oceanwaters24 : Cubs win :)
    mk1vegas : hi everyone lol