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    Sozal : I dont remember
    gatrucker : na sozal i make you my trophy
    mk1vegas : thats mastbow idiot
    mk1vegas : sozal2gram get out of here
    PuzzleBox : < hides my trophies page
    mk1vegas : lol
    Sozal : Yikes, my neck!
    gatrucker : is that butt boy again ?
    Ninninoo has just logged in
    Sozal : 825 i guess
    mk1vegas : your neck your back
    Ayushalone1 has just logged in
    ErEeWhon : gets out of 'Puzzle's Box' grrrrr hi all
    PuzzleBox : What happened to your neck? :/
    ErEeWhon : Hi sozal
    ErEeWhon : Hi mk
    Sozal : Hi whon
    mk1vegas : hi erewhon
    ErEeWhon : Mk you named me correct thanks
    Sozal : 5times said he will make me his trophy lol
    PuzzleBox : Is that the Chinese version of Erwin?
    mk1vegas : my neck my back lick my feet between the crack lol
    Sozal : I remembered my trophy room lol
    mk1vegas : welcome bro
    ErEeWhon : Hahaha yeah @puzzlebox with 20 days warranty
    Sozal : Gamer *face palm*
    PuzzleBox : Maybe in another life Gat
    xxElle101xx has just logged in
    Azngrl4whitegods has just logged in
    GhostTung30 has just logged in
    mk1vegas : lol not u sozal
    mk1vegas : is just a song
    mk1vegas : by khia
    Sozal : I know... still *face palm*
    PuzzleBox : Ewww just saw that mk
    PuzzleBox : No trophy for you - takes away his ps5-
    PuzzleBox : And his Jordans
    Sozal : Looool
    latinogreeneyes08 has just logged in
    mk1vegas : hahhahaha
    PuzzleBox : My head is spinning
    Sozal : *spins puzzle faster*
    mk1vegas : head spin
    PuzzleBox : xD weee
    teri999 has just logged out
    Sozal : I miss going on scary rides
    PuzzleBox : I need a nap
    Ayushalone1 : .
    PuzzleBox : Me too :(
    DemonicDamien has just logged in