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    BumbleBailey : The wind is bad here too
    coffe2 has just logged in
    BumbleBailey : I always have mine covered
    coffe2 has just logged out
    nightflite : Wind plus my wild hair equals.. screech from saved by the bell
    BumbleBailey : Haha my hair is unruly also
    nightflite : Well, not quite but just unruly
    nightflite : Yes!!
    nightflite : Wow jinx
    nightflite : You and I do that often
    BumbleBailey : Lol
    nightflite : Mystic Bee
    BumbleBailey : Haha I want to be a swamp witch
    general27 has just logged out
    nightflite : Nuuuu.. makes me think of Meg Mucklebones
    nightflite : You are not she
    nightflite : Thankfully
    BumbleBailey : That's an amazing name tho
    nightflite : Name yes but not being
    nightflite : Eek
    BumbleBailey : The weather outside sounds scary
    BumbleBailey : I don't know who that is tbh
    BumbleBailey : And I'm afraid to look lol
    nightflite : Either google or see the movie Legend
    nightflite : Tom Cruise early movie
    Debbierail has just logged in
    nightflite : And this pretty actress. Think she was in Ferris Buelers day off
    nightflite : Tim Curry is in it and you would never know its him unless searching
    nightflite : Beez Bumblebones
    nightflite : Kinda similar
    skaterboi18 has just logged out
    nightflite : Beezy BettyBoop
    nightflite : Beez*
    BumbleBailey : I like alliterative names
    BumbleBailey : It's storming really hard out of nowhere
    nightflite : Ooh, love storms
    nightflite : At least our milder, less deadly ones
    BumbleBailey : That sounds like hail now
    nightflite : Ooh
    joeyjon6969 has just logged in
    Goingfishing has just logged out
    BumbleBailey : Now I'm going to have to walk to choir practice in this
    nightflite : Oh no
    skaterboi18 has just logged out
    nightflite : No lift?
    BumbleBailey : There's so much icy nonsense piling up on the ground
    nightflite : Nobody can take you?
    dadshere1963 has just logged out
    BumbleBailey : I could ask but really it's not far
    BumbleBailey : My winter boots kinda failed tho, so it'll be inconvenient