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    jezz5959 has just logged in
    OrihimeF : Yep we do
    OrihimeF : We have over 50 games for it hehe
    OrihimeF : Why do you ask?
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    wretchedknight : I wanna get one but i'm not sure which is better a switch or a steam deck
    Stai1985 has just logged out
    OrihimeF : Definitely a switch
    tgirlsarah has just logged in
    wretchedknight : Why u think that ?
    OrihimeF : A Steam Deck just lets you play your Steam games remotely and it's not compatible with every game
    OrihimeF : Also it doesn't always work correctly
    OrihimeF : Our friend has one, and it's pretty cool, but he hardly uses kt
    wretchedknight : I see
    OrihimeF : So unless you have a huge steam game library, it's not that worth it
    CampersTrails has just logged in
    wretchedknight : Yeah i get ur point, and i don't have it
    OrihimeF : Oooh I see
    wretchedknight : I think im gonna get a switch
    1asianwife has just logged in
    OrihimeF : Ya there's so many games for it
    wretchedknight : The games on it seems much more enjoyable
    tgirlsarah has just logged out
    OrihimeF : If you sign up for Nintendo switch I line you get a bunch of free NES and SNES games
    wretchedknight : I grew up playing n64 so it's gonna bring lots memories hehe
    OrihimeF : Oh nice, me too hehe
    wretchedknight : That's great Orihime
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    CampersTrails has just logged in
    OrihimeF : Ya even though we had some pretty bad games for N64
    makesuhappy has just logged in
    wretchedknight : Oh hell naw i just checked, steam dosen't have breath of the wild so no thanks lol
    OrihimeF : We were so obsessed with Pokemon we got both Pokemon Snap and Hey You Pikachu, those games are so bad lol
    OrihimeF : Of course they don't lol
    wolfkee66607 : heya
    joyannTS has just logged in
    OrihimeF : Hi
    wolfkee66607 : how is everyone
    wretchedknight : I can name a bunch of n64 games i enjoyed growing up
    CampersTrails has just logged in
    wretchedknight : Pokemon ofc, kirby, the legend of zelda, 007 ect
    OrihimeF : One of our friends had a game called 007, I didn't know why people liked that game though
    OrihimeF : It was hard to control and I didn't really understand it
    OrihimeF : I think it was based on a movie but I never saw jt
    wretchedknight : lol it's a cool game
    OrihimeF : Sadly all the Pokemon games for N64 are really bad lol
    OrihimeF : And yes, all of them lol