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    mk1vegas : lebron fired him lol
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    oddlyshapedballs : lebron has fooked our team up since he got there
    mk1vegas : lol
    oddlyshapedballs : he tells the gm what to do and then complains about the moves the gm makes,lol
    OrihimeF : Hehe I don't really know what you guys are talking about
    mk1vegas : lakers basketball team
    oddlyshapedballs : he has been getting coaches fired his whole damn career with his awful moves
    imax1 : advanced personality disorders.....
    justbre801 has just logged in
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    oddlyshapedballs : he wants all the credit and none of the blame so he uses proxys to do his bidding and if things work out he takes the credit and if it doesn't it was someone elses fault
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    mk1vegas : lol true
    mk1vegas : who u will be the next coach
    oddlyshapedballs : no clue, lebron want ty lue but he has a job already,lol
    Marilyn2225 has just logged in
    mk1vegas : true lue got a job
    oddlyshapedballs : doesn't matter who we hire, they will only be around as long as lebron doesn't get mad at them over something he himslef has done
    mk1vegas : lol true
    oddlyshapedballs : lebron could hire his other and then get her fired
    oddlyshapedballs : mother*
    mk1vegas : lol
    oddlyshapedballs : great player, horrible gm, if he just stuck to playing we would be fine
    mk1vegas : true
    mk1vegas : how many more years will lebron be playing
    oddlyshapedballs : 2 at the most I think
    oddlyshapedballs : he will stay around long enough to make sure his son has a job and play with him for at least one season
    mk1vegas : damn
    mk1vegas : true lol
    oddlyshapedballs : he knows his kid sucks, I think he has realized that now so it isn't as important to play with him now but he still would like to
    oddlyshapedballs : I think the Lakers well end up wasting a draft pick to take him unfortunately
    mk1vegas : true
    mk1vegas : his kid does suck lol
    oddlyshapedballs : at best his kid should go undrafted and play in china somewhere just because of his name, other than that he shouldn't be near the NBA
    mk1vegas : hahahahaha
    mk1vegas : bench player
    oddlyshapedballs : if he was smart he would stay in college, try to develop as a player and get his degree because he wil need it
    oddlyshapedballs : but since his dad is loaded and he will inherit his money I don't think he will be smart enough or humble enough to do that
    Sheetal36 has just logged out
    mk1vegas : exactly
    mk1vegas : he dont care about that degree
    oddlyshapedballs : or about getting better and maybe earning something for a change
    mk1vegas : yes get better lol
    oddlyshapedballs : he will live off his dad, stay in LA and bang white chicks til he dies
    Sweetgirl7040 has just logged in
    mk1vegas : hahhahhaha