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    steeltoedsandals : doing ok, Hi Ocean
    Oceanwaters24 : Hsha
    crashu765 has just logged in
    Oceanwaters24 : Hey steel , your fires suck msn
    Blaze50BMG : O.O
    Oceanwaters24 : Guess I?ll have to wait till it?s rebuilt
    steeltoedsandals : haha yeah bad timing kinda
    Curse000 : Get it while it's hot
    steeltoedsandals : another 100 years will be old again
    Oceanwaters24 : Yeah the day I flew it was evacuated
    Oceanwaters24 : Yeah I know , banff ok loads of people for sure
    Blaze50BMG : Hi Steve's, who's on fire?
    Oceanwaters24 : Rains but they need it here
    vegasmk1y : hi curse
    Oceanwaters24 : Canada hey blaze
    vegasmk1y : hi blaze
    Blaze50BMG : Nash hello
    steeltoedsandals : Jasper, tourist town west of me burned up
    Blaze50BMG : Hey Steve :) Canada is burning?
    vegasmk1y : hi steel
    Blaze50BMG : How is that Stevie? Was it a DEW attack?
    vegasmk1y : yes is on the news
    Blaze50BMG : I guess I need to take a peek
    steeltoedsandals : yeah took the town in 2 days after fire started, lightening strikes in the forest
    Curse000 : Hi mk
    Oceanwaters24 : Hey guys got to run going out see what banff is at night :)) My friends waiting , be good
    Blaze50BMG : Hmmm
    Oceanwaters24 has just logged out
    steeltoedsandals : tc steve 2st
    Curse000 : Ok bye hunny don't forget to drink water
    Blaze50BMG : Lol Steve quick run! Bye!
    Blaze50BMG : Lol Steve
    summerhawk has just logged in
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    steeltoedsandals : will drive out there once the fires are out
    Blaze50BMG : I cannot tell if it is DEW related or not
    steeltoedsandals : distant early warning systems haha is military
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    Marya1999 has just logged in
    vegasmk1y : reaally
    oddlyshapedballs has just logged in
    vegasmk1y : hi oddly how are u
    Murdomac has just logged out
    Blaze50BMG : Night Folks
    chaibaath has just logged in
    vegasmk1y : team usa