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    Grammacles : pretty good thanks
    wildbunch4 : Same 'ol same 'ol for you?
    Grammacles : just bought tickets to the British F1 GP and nearly broke the bank lol
    Maxxx777 has just logged in
    Grammacles : yeah i guess still trying to change the world lol
    Grammacles : although the more i try the less it seems to respond
    wildbunch4 : Haa you keep changing in for the good :)
    wildbunch4 : Dont stop lol
    wildbunch4 : What was the price on those?
    Grammacles : don't worry my mission is to my dyiong breath lol
    Grammacles : dying
    wildbunch4 : Haaa
    Grammacles : like over 2k plus all the extras
    wildbunch4 : *and here lies Gram, who until his dying breath, would always try to change the world, one chatter at a time
    Grammacles : i'm hoping i can at least get a driver's signature for that lol
    wildbunch4 : Faaaak, for just one day?
    Grammacles : no 3 days
    wildbunch4 : Hahaha you better, and show us proof you did on a picture lol
    wildbunch4 : Oh ok, well not too bad
    Grammacles : will do lol
    Grammacles : yeah i suppose - damn netflix effect
    wildbunch4 : Lmao
    Grammacles : hiked the prices and all the hotels etc around there also hike their prices over that weekend
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    wildbunch4 : Yeah same here in states, fkn bastards
    Grammacles : i mean i could have easily spent upwards of 5k
    Grammacles : greedy twats
    wildbunch4 : One littlr convention and prices jumo up 50-100$
    wildbunch4 : Jump
    Grammacles : yup
    wildbunch4 : Greedy twats is well said
    Grammacles : lol
    wildbunch4 : Love some of the comments you make lol
    Grammacles : greed, fear and anger - the three posions ;)
    wildbunch4 : Greedy twats lmao, i am going to use that in here to ppl i talk to
    Grammacles : poisons
    wildbunch4 : Oh yesss, true that
    Grammacles : haha go for it
    wildbunch4 : *making sure Gram did not copyright the saying*
    Grammacles : lol i wish
    Grammacles : that'll be 10 bucks please lol
    babygirl200777 has just logged in
    wildbunch4 : *hands over 10 pounds*
    babygirl200777 : *hands over 10 cents*
    Grammacles : ooh good ol british money lol
    Grammacles : better than bucks
    wildbunch4 : Or how you also call it, quid?
    wildbunch4 : Haha thats why i said pounds lol
    Grammacles : yep quid