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    Pinocchio02 : yes yes you should Bailey but I should be the only person allowed to see them
    BumbleBailey : Lol no
    OrihimeF : Hehe Pino you are silly
    Pinocchio02 : Sometimes yes
    OrihimeF : I don't get it though, if these people want to see a woman's chest why not just Google image it?
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    Pinocchio02 : Ok where can I Google and see a picture of your chest?
    OrihimeF : Not mine silly lol
    Pinocchio02 : Well that doesn't count then
    OrihimeF : Why not?
    OrihimeF : What's so special about mine?
    Pinocchio02 : Because they are all different I don't know yet you won't let me see ha ha ha ha ha
    OrihimeF : Well ya don't you know that a woman's chest is private? Hehe
    OrihimeF : You have to date her first hehe
    BumbleBailey : *takes notes*
    OrihimeF : Hehehe Bailey
    Pinocchio02 : Big or small I want to see them all
    mk1vegas : bingo
    BumbleBailey : I knew the private part but only showing them to people I'm dating is new
    OrihimeF : Hehe that's what my brother told me to do
    OrihimeF : Why would you show anyone else Bailey? Hehe
    mk1vegas : show time
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    BumbleBailey : Um. I don't recall I'm sure it was a good idea at the time
    Pinocchio02 : And a woman's chest is not private in Texas they can go topless there
    OrihimeF : Show time?
    mk1vegas : tv showtime
    BumbleBailey : Nice save
    OrihimeF : I'd be way too shy for that Pino
    mk1vegas : just saying random things
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    mk1vegas : jackpot
    Pinocchio02 : Just think if all women went topless there would be fewer wars. I mean who would want to fight with all that eye candy around me
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    mk1vegas : smoke
    OrihimeF : Hehe wouldn't breasts be less special to you if you saw them every day though Pino?
    Pinocchio02 : Nope not at all
    mk1vegas : not everyone cares about smex
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    Pinocchio02 : anyway I'm going back to sleep
    OrihimeF : Okay have a good sleep Pino hehe
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    mk1vegas : u care about se x lol