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    Grammacles : me too lol
    Grammacles : yeah korma is too bland for me
    nightflite : Those poor chameleons
    nightflite : :(
    nightflite : ^_^
    Grammacles : lol
    nightflite : Glad you got it
    Grammacles : carnivores don't have sympathy
    nightflite : Ori especially would be 'huhhh???'
    nightflite : Love meat
    Grammacles : yeah i get it from the same place and they know i like it spicy
    Grammacles : soon us carnivores are going to get 'cancelled'
    Grammacles : by the ultrafascist wokerati lol
    nightflite : Lol hah
    toohigh2 has just logged in
    Quietachiever68 has just logged in
    nightflite : We cleared the room btw lol
    Grammacles : you can read all about them in Orwell's Animal Farm
    nightflite : Where is everyone
    Grammacles : lol it was clear anyway - none of these numb nuts know how to have a conversation
    mk1vegas : lol
    imax1 : pac'n a bowl....
    Grammacles : unless it's about looks or tattoos or some other rubbish
    Pantsedpantyman66669 has just logged in
    mk1vegas : fakes
    nightflite : True
    Grammacles : himax
    nightflite : Righty.. gonna sort food
    rainbowdash1971 has just logged in
    imax1 : yup....
    nightflite : Will stay logged for now
    Razgriz1 has just logged in
    imax1 : chicken wings....
    nightflite : Prob be auto booted though
    Grammacles : ok enjoy
    nightflite : Tanks u too
    nightflite : Afk
    nightflite : X
    WiscoGuy76 has just logged in
    Grammacles : i wonder if any of these people have any idea what is going on in the world around them
    mk1vegas : hahhahaha
    imax1 : present company excluded.....
    MiamurysWorkshop has just logged in
    Grammacles : or maybe they have just given up in the face of the incredible stupidity that abounds
    Grammacles : which is kinda fair enough
    MiamurysWorkshop has just logged out
    mk1vegas : orlando basketball
    Grammacles : although of course being passive about it just makes it worse
    Pantsedpantyman66669 has just logged out
    Grammacles : the revolution will not be televised - Gill Scott Heron