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    Grammacles : oh look it's lobotomy man
    Grammacles : or your finger lol
    Sozal : My thumb is fine :D
    Grammacles : fastest thumbs in the world ;)
    Grammacles : *pins another medal on soz*
    Sozal : Thumb on fire *wooooosh*
    Grammacles : quite the collection you have there
    Sozal : *nods*
    Grammacles : chathour battle veteran
    Grammacles : you'll be able to tell your kids all the stories of each medal
    Sozal : *Battlefield sound track music*
    Sozal : Looool
    Grammacles : "and this one i got at the battle of ghosting valley...."
    Sozal : I clicked and i clicked ...
    gloriaama has just logged in
    Grammacles : clicked until you clocked
    pepperweed has just logged out
    Sozal : Crawled clicking haha
    Sozal : Aimed at the U
    Grammacles : till your dying breath
    Sozal : Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    Grammacles : 100 per cent accuracy
    Sozal : Mhm
    Grammacles : except for the occasional accent ;p
    chubbycd has just logged out
    e1money has just logged in
    Sozal : Only youùùùùùùùùùùùù
    Grammacles : hahaha
    SiMp4U has just logged in
    Grammacles : when i see those i think the lips must be more pouty to pronounce them
    Sweetgirl7040 has just logged in
    85patty has just logged in
    Grammacles : and that folks is how gram's mind works
    Futaorc has just logged in
    Sozal : Perfect time to apply lipstick lol
    Grammacles : haha yes *imagines you applying lipstick while furiously clicking*
    Grammacles : *gives soz a multitasking medal*
    85patty has just logged in
    Sozal : That wont be easy using the left hand
    Sozal : To apply lipstick
    Grammacles : soon your jacket will be so heavy with medals you won't be able to wear it
    Grammacles : smudgy lipstick lol
    Sozal : Lmao
    joeyjon6969 has just logged in
    Grammacles : like a true rock chick
    Sozal : Gotta start training from now
    Sozal : To get more medals yaaaaaay
    Grammacles : ok left hand applications only
    Grammacles : not sure there's a left-handed lipstick application medal
    Grammacles : but i can make one lol