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    OrihimeF : And hi Knight
    dadshere1963 has just logged out
    nightflite : Grown his hair back a lil too
    nightflite : @Brawn
    nightflite : Me too, Ori
    bobslookin has just logged in
    nightflite : On my last schoolday.. me and my mate were w
    nightflite : Ripping my blazer up
    nightflite : (Had to wear uniform)
    Sara20bear has just logged in
    Ninninoo has just logged in
    daysandnights : Knight Ah ok
    OrihimeF : Oh I sometimes wish my school had a uniform
    nightflite : He stopped us and said someone else could wear ir
    OrihimeF : But at the same time....I don't lol
    nightflite : It
    nightflite : My last show of rebellion
    nightflite : Squashed
    nightflite : Lol
    wretchedknight : Wasn't Bray wyatt's teammate years ago ?
    wretchedknight : Wasn't he*
    nightflite : I didn't like wearing a blazer, Ori
    nightflite : But the girls uniform was hot, until they stopped them wearing knee socks
    daysandnights : Knight Yeah
    nightflite : Lol
    nightflite : I didnt mind wearing a shirt n tie
    OrihimeF : Lol
    nightflite : Shoes either, if comfy kind
    OrihimeF : What was the girls uniform?
    rebecca53 : hello all
    nightflite : Skirt, tights or no tights, blouse, blazer, tie
    nightflite : Blazer/suit jacket
    wretchedknight : Days i remember him now
    rebecca53 : ima newby so hello from australia
    nightflite : They werent supposed to wear makeup
    nightflite : But many did
    nightflite : And rolled skirts up when able lol
    nightflite : Always told to roll them back down
    nightflite : I had piercings then too
    OrihimeF : Oh lucky, the area around where I am didn't believe in skirts
    OrihimeF : They are so comfy
    nightflite : When it was fashion to have at least one
    daysandnights : Knight Ok
    nightflite : Yea, never worn one
    nightflite : Lol
    nightflite : XD
    f4gs1ut9 has just logged in
    OrihimeF : Well that's normal lol
    OrihimeF : You aren't Scottish lol
    nightflite : Had some first experiences at school disco