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    nightflite : I try
    nightflite : Sorry, Bee
    BumbleBailey : It's fine haha
    nightflite : Lol, but its like clockwork
    AM0RlSS : Valium succeeded
    BumbleBailey : I would have said much worse
    nightflite : Valium should've chilled me out
    nightflite : Its brought forth the altered beast
    nightflite : Brb for sure. Gotta wash dishes n sort supper
    BumbleBailey : Its called a paradoxical reaction
    nightflite : Will bring you all treats
    BumbleBailey : I have the same thing if I take uppers or downers
    nightflite : Non mind altering ones
    nightflite : I used to love speed
    nightflite : Lots of it
    BumbleBailey : You don't share? Lol kidding
    nightflite : Haha
    QueenMoon05 has just logged out
    BumbleBailey : Me too but only for a little while
    QueenMoon05 has just logged in
    nightflite : I lost a lot of weight
    nightflite : And my mind
    QueenMoon05 has just logged out
    nightflite : Not to mention sleep
    nightflite : Days without
    nightflite : Brb sorry
    BumbleBailey : Okay take care
    AM0RlSS : Bumbleb since when u r at ch
    AM0RlSS : I guess i am here since 2016
    BumbleBailey : I came back last year but I've been on this site on and off since I was like 20
    AM0RlSS : Lol
    AM0RlSS : U r senior to me then
    AM0RlSS : Did u see my id before
    BumbleBailey : I don't know
    cureeus100 : does anyone remember yahoo chat?
    lmartin1989 has just logged in
    AM0RlSS : I rem
    cureeus100 : it was an awesome chat platform
    AM0RlSS : Yeah i met very nice ppl there
    pleaser58 has just logged in
    AM0RlSS : I mean i met them in real life as well
    cureeus100 : all the youngsters on here are now searching google for yahoo
    BumbleBailey : Meeting people from chat is always a mistake haha
    AM0RlSS : Why so
    BumbleBailey : Idk it's just never worked out before
    AM0RlSS : No offence but just curious to know ur opinion
    cureeus100 : agreed. i did meet up with one or two peeps once i got to know them. two were from way back in school
    AM0RlSS : Hahaja curee
    AM0RlSS : But i had good male friends we met for business
    AM0RlSS : And they are still in touch