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    BumbleBailey : I think if it's your heart you'd notice the clubbed fingers first, but idk
    Sweetgirl7040 has just logged in
    SimplyArcadia : It's possible
    nightflite : Well my hand was numb at the same time
    SimplyArcadia : But you need an ECG
    nightflite : Coincidently
    nightflite : Was worried cus I couldn't play guitar
    nightflite : Didnt want it to be forever
    nightflite : :(
    SimplyArcadia : So are u ok now?
    BumbleBailey : I guess my keyboard is delivered I need to get mail
    latinogreeneyes08 has just logged out
    BumbleBailey : I didn't want to go out today I look terrible. But
    SimplyArcadia : Still you need to be check
    nightflite : Yea seems so (touch wood)
    nightflite : Had blood tests still.. i need to get the results
    BumbleBailey : I hate getting blood work done
    BumbleBailey : I hate needles and I hate seeing blood. Scary business
    SimplyArcadia : Drink lots of water punqeee
    nightflite : I dont mind as long as they don't suck at putting the needle in
    BumbleBailey : I had standing orders for blood work every 8 weeks
    BumbleBailey : The nurses here are mostly good
    nightflite : I need to drink more, Simples but I have lots of mineral water in stock
    BumbleBailey : There's one that leans onto her hands a bit when she reaches for vials
    SimplyArcadia : 3 liters a day atleast
    nightflite : I pee enough as it is
    nightflite : Even worse when winter!
    BumbleBailey : Peeing in winter is the worst. The seat is always so cold
    TheiZ has just logged in
    nightflite : Not so bad for us guys there
    nightflite : Advantage
    TheiZ : One's a male. Right on 4 weeks, too.
    BumbleBailey : Sitting to pee is superior in every other way
    CoffeeTable77 has just logged out
    BumbleBailey : The other ones haven't shown yet?
    BumbleBailey : Wait how many plants was there I forget
    GOFO3331 has just logged in
    TheEarthisFlat1983 has just logged in
    SiMp4U has just logged in
    celalettingundogdu : Hi
    joeyjon6969 has just logged in
    TheBurningOne has just logged in
    Sweetgirl7040 has just logged in
    BBBThree : in winter I used to pee my exs name in the snow,,,, got good at it also,,,lol
    celalettingundogdu : How re u?
    BBBThree : can't do that sitting down
    nightflite : I need to clean my mind with soap
    nightflite : Anyhow. Leaving for now
    nightflite : Tc, good folks
    nightflite : Luv punq