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    younglover3213 : my point is if you were truly free you would not have to do it underground
    123hector : undergroung sell 1kilo to buyer and then it on the street
    younglover3213 : every country have rules. so no country is free
    123hector : or sell it in drug house
    123hector : yes ok yes yes rules but australia centerlink ofice google it
    123hector : centrelink ofice
    younglover3213 : ok
    123hector : Centrelink payments and services
    123hector : centrelink google is look in to it
    younglover3213 : well, it has been nice talking to you. I have to go for now. I hope that i have been able to teach you somethin
    younglover3213 : today.
    younglover3213 : have a great day!
    123hector : centrelink is ofice that pay free money to human that dont have a job work
    123hector : good by punk
    123hector : .
    123hector : ..
    123hector : .
    123hector : ..
    123hector : ,.;
    123hector : l
    123hector : .
    123hector : .,
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    Evildreams : Love toddlers naked bodies
    nepifun : wickr hardcock4baby
    NelsonCheesePizza : Wickr Nepiguy86
    boybreeder34 : Bi nepi. PNPpervjock on wick
    cpaddict : wickr pervforyng
    familybear1970 : back again
    hiddenwaves : Hi
    nepifaqboy19 : cooled2 on wickr/telegram hit me up no limits more fcked up the better
    Babyboy0000 : Hallo
    Babyboy0000 : Nepi german
    mestes : Hey. Love nepi