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    stacymcneil has just logged in : im black : lmao BITCHES : all u do is sit in a chat room with ur white nigger selves : probs jerk yourself off : go fuck ur mom : thats all whitepeople know right : dumb ass cunts : hopes a black family comes in murders urs : die : Sup. : I have a question for you guys.
    iHATERACiSTS : Hello. : any nigger haters in here
    Moe810313 has just logged in
    xroof : Hey : Yo Daddy
    cletus2 has just logged in
    cletus2 : Yo Yo
    cletus2 has just logged in
    cletus2 has just logged in
    cletus2 : looken fo my friend youngniggahavenit , he;s won a new VW convertible in Maryland , i wants to ny it
    cletus2 has just logged in
    cletus2 has just logged in
    cletus2 has just logged in
    cletus2 : Haterracist how goes it ?
    cletus2 has just logged in
    cletus2 has just logged in
    cletus2 : Liberal;s today are not the Democrats I was raised by
    cletus2 has just logged in
    cletus2 has just logged in
    cletus2 has just logged in : hey
    XShadyChick500 : hi
    Annamarisa : Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours -
    alexgarcia7905 : hey
    AnahiRueda1616 : Hi
    AnahiRueda1616 : I’m F16 and well I’m kinda looking for someone who is racist and older then 35. For some fun
    cooollh : same
    cooollh : except im male
    Alainey : hi. i am alainey! is this the racist chat? because i have a lot to tell of my frustrations
    Alainey : im in search of people who hate niggers just like me, but i feel lonely... it seems im the only one with those thoughts
    Alainey : im coming bacl later, bye!
    Ericwmv : fuck black people
    whit3BoyEU : hi
    bookwormsteve : this room fucking sucks
    bookwormsteve : i take shit in the room a room towards racism yuck
    bookwormsteve : pisses in the room
    bookwormsteve : wtf is wrong with you people