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    Ledge75 : I will chat to him
    Ledge75 : her lol
    DARKHORSES : its a her
    DARKHORSES : lol
    DARKHORSES : plz do
    Ledge75 : I will tell zar zip it as adge is going to also and all dogs and stalkers called off
    Ledge75 : and no talking about each other by the other one
    Ledge75 : act like you never knew each other
    DARKHORSES : i never do ledge
    DARKHORSES : i just come in ask her to bck off but she dont
    Ledge75 : well it should be easy then I will talk to zar
    DARKHORSES : lets see huh i will never believe she will quit
    Ledge75 : well hold out hope ok
    Ledge75 : I go try
    Ledge75 : I hate this shit its crazy and annoying
    DARKHORSES : ok im going bck to love chat im me ok
    Ledge75 : ok mate thanks for your time
    DARKHORSES : np ledge u tc
    Ledge75 : pity we had that hiccup but hopefully things change for better
    DARKHORSES : bye >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    Ledge75 : see ya mate
    huni886 : here
    STANDPROUD : hello
    STANDPROUD : why all the hate
    STANDPROUD : plz tell me why
    STANDPROUD : whos dat
    CroEater has just logged out
    Angiiiii : nice place you got here Ledgey
    Angiiiii : and your art is good, :)
    Angiiiii : keep at it Ledgemeister practice makes perfect as they say ;)
    Angiiiii : *looks at curtains* euwww think tissueman ran out
    Angiiiii : dirty bleeder....or some other undersirables. tut tut
    Angiiiii : anyhoo catch ya later xx
    Angiiiii : *pllaces man size tissues on the table as a house warming gift*
    Angiiiii : scrolls up as you do*
    Angiiiii : now I see why Zar hates on the ledge.. you dared tell her to stop
    Angiiiii has just logged out
    Ledge75 : Hey Ang xx. lol that was me trying to mediae a bit of peace so the aus room could function a lil better
    Ledge75 : I tried but didnt get the happy ending this time lol
    Ledge75 : thats why I going to stick to thai massage parlors from now on, guarenteed happy ending
    Ledge75 : every time lol
    Ledge75 : feel free to drop in or one day we should organise a meet here and run a muck like the old days
    Ledge75 has just logged out
    Ledge75 has just logged out
    Ledge75 has just logged out