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    pattinson678 : u want to do sex with me?
    pattinson678 : help me now to get off from this
    pattinson678 : do dirty chat with me for sometime
    pattinson678 : i want to release my sperm
    pattinson678 : talk like hus and wife then i will cum early
    pattinson678 : chat like hus and wife then we will do sex
    pattinson678 : come on
    pattinson678 : how?
    pattinson678 : what?
    pattinson678 : i just want to do dirty chat with me for sometime
    pattinson678 : talk like hus and wife just for 10 min plz
    pattinson678 : do oral sex plz
    pattinson678 : u want to help me or not?
    pattinson678 : yes or no?
    pattinson678 : hello will u plz reply
    pattinson678 : should i go for masterbating?
    pattinson678 : whats u doing?
    pattinson678 : come on reply me plz
    pattinson678 : should i go?
    pattinson678 : okay i understand u dont care me
    pattinson678 : u dont love me
    pattinson678 : u dont love me?
    pattinson678 : u dont care me?
    pattinson678 : what i do?
    pattinson678 : what?
    pattinson678 : its not possible in one day
    pattinson678 : i need some time
    pattinson678 : even i dont see u
    pattinson678 : i want to see your any pic
    pattinson678 : show me your pic then i will decide on it
    pattinson678 : u just send me your pic in my mail
    pattinson678 : i want to see your pic
    pattinson678 : send me in my mail or otherwise i cant take quick decison on u
    pattinson678 : if u want that i will take early step towards marriage then send me your pic
    pattinson678 : or do onething upload here in your profile
    pattinson678 : upload your pic in your profile here
    pattinson678 : dont argue with me now
    pattinson678 : upload here in your profile
    pattinson678 : if u want early marriage other wise keep talking like this untill we know each other well
    pattinson678 : okay then shut your mouth
    pattinson678 : and talk with me
    pattinson678 : dont early for marriage okay
    pattinson678 : i will do nothing
    pattinson678 : if u want to show me upload here
    pattinson678 : otherwise keep talking here
    pattinson678 : go for what?
    pattinson678 : where i should go?
    pattinson678 : where?
    pattinson678 : i will meet u tom at same time bye
    happywish has just logged out