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Log In : but idec
    KimtheSwagBag : i just got mesmerized by a butt : it feels like years:) : DO SHE GOT A BOOTY
    KimtheSwagBag : : SHE DOOOOOOOOO : i cant see it whoops : hm wow : she do got the booty
    KimtheSwagBag : the booty of ages
    emmathefinest : tru
    KimtheSwagBag : HAHHAHAHAHHA
    emmathefinest : AHHH IM SO EXCITED
    KimtheSwagBag : I COULD POOP RN
    KimtheSwagBag : wheaat thins
    KimtheSwagBag : are always there for me in my time of need
    KimtheSwagBag : try to swear
    KimtheSwagBag : hahahaha
    KimtheSwagBag : fuck
    KimtheSwagBag : HAHAHAH
    KimtheSwagBag : you cant even caps lock
    KimtheSwagBag : okay this sucks
    KimtheSwagBag : HAHAHAHAHA
    KimtheSwagBag : hahahahhaAHAHAHAHAHHA
    KimtheSwagBag : FREEDOM
    emmathefinest : I CAN CAPSLOCK
    emmathefinest : fuck
    emmathefinest : ad swerar
    KimtheSwagBag : now u cannot
    emmathefinest : whoopsies
    emmathefinest : swear
    emmathefinest : thur we go
    KimtheSwagBag : u r promoting unsafeness
    KimtheSwagBag : in my realm of safety
    KimtheSwagBag : I'M FUCKNIG KIDDING
    KimtheSwagBag : i am making love online
    emmathefinest : i see that
    emmathefinest : with who
    emmathefinest : i am v confused
    emmathefinest : kim
    emmathefinest : its callled
    emmathefinest : stranger danger
    emmathefinest : ever heard of it
    KimtheSwagBag : oh
    KimtheSwagBag : ive loved you for a thousand yrs
    emmathefinest : help
    emmathefinest : someone on ask fm said they "wanted to make me feel good"
    emmathefinest : xcept theyre on anon so i have no idea who it is
    emmathefinest : nd i cant change my name im so scared
    KimtheSwagBag : im looking