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    BustyEmily : "Nice place"
    StraightGrlzRHott : *I slide my hand into my pocket, grabbing a twenty dollar bill* What was the charge, anyway?
    BustyEmily : "Oh I think it was 13 bucks. I'll have to go to my car to get your change" I smile and take the 20
    StraightGrlzRHott : *I grin* no thats um... thats ok. *i grin, eyeing your tight shirt...*
    BustyEmily : I smile happily "Aw thanks! Usually I don't get good tips from girls. Guys usually tip well though" giggle
    StraightGrlzRHott : Would you like something to drink *i slide my hand towards the huge sofa* It's very hot out.
    BustyEmily : I think it would be ok to take a little break and shrug "Sure, it's so hot out there and it's time for my
    BustyEmily : break anyway
    BustyEmily : I have a seat on the comfy sofa
    StraightGrlzRHott : *I call from the kitchen* So what do you want?
    BustyEmily : Looking around the room "Um just a water I guess would be fine, or whatever you got" I call out
    StraightGrlzRHott : *i hand you a glass of ice water in a tall glass* That'll be 15 bucks *winks*
    BustyEmily : I giggle as I take a drink from the water "All I have is the 20 you gave me" I say with a laugh "Feels
    BustyEmily : so good to cool off"
    StraightGrlzRHott : I mean... i'd ask you to take your dress shirt off but um. *i point backwards* Got my girl in
    StraightGrlzRHott : the other room *grins, eyeing your throat*
    BustyEmily : I smile again and start fanning myself with my shirt a little and taking another gulp of water
    BustyEmily : "Well then I'd have to charge you 15 bucks" I giggle
    StraightGrlzRHott : *i reach down, and unsnap the next button* Um, how's that?
    BustyEmily : I gasp and laugh, water spills from the glass and my mouth spilling on my shirt "Shit that's cold!"
    BustyEmily : Holding my hands out wide and looking down at the mess
    StraightGrlzRHott : *i reach down to pat the shirt dry... working my hand over the spill*
    BustyEmily : "It's all over me" lots of cleavage is exposed thanks to the extra button you unsnapped
    StraightGrlzRHott : *i look down, trying to keep my hand on your blouse... working the spill spot* Yeah... all over.
    BustyEmily : I smile up at you "You didn't do this just to cop a feel did ya" I laugh
    StraightGrlzRHott : With my girlfriend in the other room? No way. Besides... if i wanted a feel, wouldn't I
    StraightGrlzRHott : be in your shirt, working your wet bra?
    BustyEmily : I smile "Well that's a good point I guess" I wink and giggle. "Well thanks for the drink, even if half of it
    BustyEmily : ended up on my shirt haha"
    StraightGrlzRHott : Gosh you're really soaked *i grin* So... so sorry.
    BustyEmily : I nod "I know I'm soaking...wet"
    StraightGrlzRHott : *i gulp* Um... wow.
    StraightGrlzRHott : *i make an excuse to try and get you out... before my gf catches you wet on my couch* Uh...
    StraightGrlzRHott : So the pizza's probably getting cold, right?
    BustyEmily : "Oh right...yeah I guess I better get out of here. Sorry it just felt so nice in here. Thanks again for the
    BustyEmily : drink" I smile and stand up and head for the door
    StraightGrlzRHott : Haha so that's the end of the rp probably.
    StraightGrlzRHott : I doubt i'd do anything else...
    BustyEmily : That was fun, would be an interesting encounter hehe
    StraightGrlzRHott : Why dont you suggest a setting, for rp #2
    BustyEmily : Hmm how about I'm shopping for clothes at the mall and so are you and you suggest stuff that looks
    BustyEmily : good on me or I do for you
    StraightGrlzRHott : (do i know you?)
    BustyEmily : (Up to you)
    StraightGrlzRHott : *i'm working at a forever 21 when this girl comes in, the store is totally dead, my girlfriend
    StraightGrlzRHott : on the other side of the store, folding clothes* Hello miss.
    StraightGrlzRHott : ??
    StraightGrlzRHott has just logged out
    BustyEmily has just logged out