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    Lance201 : Un interseted
    SelaSoulSlurper : ...
    Lance201 : How'd you get here?
    Lance201 : I thought this was privet
    SelaSoulSlurper : heh its wide open
    Lance201 : That changes a lot
    SelaSoulSlurper : god i cant get any souls anymore...becouse they want to life...
    Lance201 : Live?
    ApalosApprentince : {the boy scraped some bandages off his shoulder as he walked in}
    SelaSoulSlurper : ....
    SelaSoulSlurper : oh a persoon ^^
    Lance201 : [Lance would smile upon the boy's entrance] So what was the bounty's price again?
    ApalosApprentince : "Seventy billion double dollars"
    SelaSoulSlurper : Bounty for what!?
    Lance201 : Well danm. How'd that happen? You're normally so carful {lance tries to stifel a laugh]
    ApalosApprentince : "Carefull?"
    ApalosApprentince : {The boy fell over in complete luaghter}
    Lance201 : That was the joke
    ApalosApprentince : "I would have hoped so"
    Lance201 : But as Sela asked, how did it happen?
    SelaSoulSlurper : thank you~
    ApalosApprentince : "Remember that whole....Company I had?"
    Lance201 : Ah yes, good times,
    ApalosApprentince : "Well..Hojo put in some chemical that turned me into...something"
    ApalosApprentince : "Long story short I destroyed an entire country with one slash"
    Lance201 : Well, then. Here I thought it was for sleeping with a country leaders wife.
    ApalosApprentince : "Well that to" {He smirked}
    ApalosApprentince : "I always am the lady killer anyway"
    Lance201 : I remember the days when we were unstoppable, but times have changed
    ApalosApprentince : "That is indeed true...A new age has started Lance.."
    SelaSoulSlurper : and to the black chat i go~
    SelaSoulSlurper : *teleports away*
    Lance201 : [His smile grows] How about starting a new company?
    ApalosApprentince : {The boy sighed} "So much for the quiet life.."
    ApalosApprentince has just logged out
    Lance201 : ...
    ventusstirfe has just logged in
    Lance201 : I see you're not going to be hiding
    ventusstirfe : "Your goddamn right i'm not..."
    ventusstirfe : "Enough of the mercy"
    ventusstirfe : "Ventus Strife is back"
    Lance201 : [Lance stands up and holds his hand out] Welcome back
    ventusstirfe : {He shook his hand} "Thanks..."
    Lance201 : How about we start with taking the furry chat? It would be fun to see how they'd react to the new age
    ventusstirfe : "Sure"
    Lance201 : Lead the way "boss"
    ventusstirfe : "Boss?"
    Lance201 : It's a company joke
    TechMechanic : hi
    TechMechanic : sela