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    Night0wl : And Im ok with taking it off... Thats nice.
    Night0wl : The issue is that I could be wearing the mask, and you could see through it, and I may not know.
    mistyOmorning : hmmmm, deep
    Night0wl : I think we all have that fear.
    mistyOmorning : i may see the true you?
    Night0wl : We know... almost right away when we meet someone. When we make eye contact with strangers...
    mistyOmorning : yes
    mistyOmorning : can you tell me what you look like?
    Night0wl : We all feel that slight discomfort. Its the fear of them seeing what you try to hide. Its natural.
    Night0wl : 5'8" 180lbs, dark hair, brown eyes. Kinda squishy in the middle... Not really white, but not really brown.
    Night0wl : The true me? I dont know. I don't if I've seen the true me, I don't even know if there is such a thing.
    mistyOmorning : ok
    mistyOmorning : are you selfish?
    Night0wl : But I mean, physically yeah.
    Night0wl : I am selfish.
    Night0wl : Or maybe its self-centered. I dont really know the difference to be honest.
    mistyOmorning : you think the worlld revolves around you?
    Night0wl : For the most part yeah. I do.
    mistyOmorning : it's your world, we just live in it?
    Night0wl : I feel like everything is about me.... but I'm still kind to others and I still care about them. That selfish? or
    Night0wl : self centered?
    Night0wl : No.... not really.
    Night0wl : I mean, the world is just like.... a physicall metaphore for my relationship with myself.
    Night0wl : I don;t think people just live in it... like they are not entired to ownership kinda deal.
    mistyOmorning : hmmm
    mistyOmorning : including yourself?
    Night0wl : I think they own it. But I also think that they and the world are one and the same.
    Night0wl : Yes... I like to things of things as very meta... or fractal.
    Night0wl : Inside me, I have personality types or tendancies, that are reflected outside as well.
    Night0wl : So I may be in a mood, and act similar to someone you know lets say. That behaviour is not me.
    Night0wl : Its just an expression of me.
    Night0wl : And its the same expression that someone might use.
    Night0wl : But they come from the same place. Know what I mean?
    Night0wl : Its easier to envision people not at things, not nouns but verbs. A way, or style of doing something.
    Night0wl : not as* things...
    mistyOmorning : are you sensitive to energy?
    Night0wl : :-) Yes and no. My favorite answer...
    Night0wl : Sensitive in the way that at times I can pick up what seems to most like very subtitle changes... yes.
    Night0wl : But also... I think I can take in alot. Alot at once,and for extended periods.
    Night0wl : Would I be right to assume that you own a 'smart phone'? Either apple or andriod?
    Night0wl : Do you believe in energy? LOL Im aware of how that sounds... but really... do you?
    Night0wl : Are you still awake? You you must be getting pretty tired.
    Night0wl : Unless you too are nocturnal.
    Night0wl : You are long gone... and I may never find you again... and you may never read this....
    Night0wl : Was nice chatting with you. Wish you and yours the best. Take care/ : huh
    mistyOmorning : hello all
    mistyOmorning : owl
    mistyOmorning : oooooooooowwwwwwwwllllllllll
    mistyOmorning : whats everyone up tp?