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    ready2cumwithu : hello
    StarConn : hello
    StarConn has just logged out : irony. its empty
    randomasdf : Hi
    randomasdf : come on there must be a room with some people : hey : this is ironic : I need some advice, from an fellow introvert. : I like a lady, who is extremely introverted. : I start the chat most of time, she responds when I do. she'll start it now and again : is it normal that I have to always start the convos? : or is she just disinterested
    perdida42 has just logged in
    perdida42 : Hey
    perdida42 has just logged in
    perdida42 : Hmmm...guess I'll come back tomorrow.
    perdida42 : Gn :)
    perdida42 has just logged in
    perdida42 has just logged out
    perdida42 has just logged in
    perdida42 : Lol still my fellow introverts are....being introverted
    perdida42 has just logged in
    perdida42 has just logged in
    perdida42 has just logged in : Hi! :D : hi
    Celbyte : Sorry, it's my first time here.