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    jerry12343 : i'm scared i might have my baby today
    Bunnyfluffs : o-o Has your water broken
    jerry12343 : yes
    jerry12343 : it just did
    Bunnyfluffs : Then you're going into labor .-.
    jerry12343 : what do i do
    Bunnyfluffs : Go to the hospital
    jerry12343 : i want to have it at home
    Bunnyfluffs : I think its a little late for that
    jerry12343 : what do u mean
    jerry12343 : ooooowwwww
    Bunnyfluffs : Just go to a hospital or something
    jerry12343 : y
    Bunnyfluffs : Just facking go
    jerry12343 : i want it at home not hospital
    Bunnyfluffs : Its too late for that!
    jerry12343 : y is it too late for a home birth
    Bunnyfluffs : You need to arrange it
    jerry12343 : i feel like i need to push
    Bunnyfluffs : Just go to the damn hospital
    jerry12343 : i think it is too late to go to hospital i can feel the baby coming
    jerry12343 : i can feel the baby's head starting to come out
    Bunnyfluffs : Im here
    jerry12343 : what do i do
    Bunnyfluffs : Wraps the baby in a towel
    jerry12343 : the bay is slowly coming out
    jerry12343 : baby*
    Bunnyfluffs : Well you need to push
    jerry12343 : but it hurts
    Bunnyfluffs : You HAVE to push
    jerry12343 : it hurts it urts and burns
    Bunnyfluffs : I understand that but you need to
    jerry12343 : what does my gf do
    Bunnyfluffs : She needs to wrap the baby in a towel
    jerry12343 : but the baby seems to be stuck
    Bunnyfluffs : Push
    jerry12343 : k
    jerry12343 : my gf says there is a cord around its neck
    Bunnyfluffs : Take the cord off of its neck
    jerry12343 : talk to here
    jerry12343 : hi this is the gf how do i do that
    Bunnyfluffs : Just unwrap it
    jerry12343 : how
    jerry12343 : it is kinda tight
    Bunnyfluffs : Cut it with the scissors
    jerry12343 : k
    Bunnyfluffs : You did it?
    jerry12343 : i was messing with u bye
    chathour : Bunnyfluffs has been banned from this chat room.