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    MakaTheScytheMeister : Hello, and welcome to the Soul Eater RP chat room! Please say your character.
    MakaTheScytheMeister : This is a Soul Eater RP chat room, and any sexual advertising, such as a Skype hookup is bannable, and I have Maka as my character, once a character is taken, you are not allowe
    MakaTheScytheMeister :  bannable, and I have Maka as my character, once a character is taken, you are not allowed to use that character, the story starts at the final episode, after the battle, and we
    MakaTheScytheMeister : d to use that character, the
    MakaTheScytheMeister : story starts at the final episode, after the battle, and we make up the rest as we go.
    Mokikawa : hi