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    Babyqu1 : Hi there everyone!!!
    Babyqu1 : I created this chatroom for anyone who wishes to post and advertise any online marketing and/or
    Babyqu1 : business opportunities.
    Babyqu1 : I have some favorite free paid to click., and paid to refer and take other actions like filling out surveys,
    Babyqu1 : that I am recommending to you, to help you earn daily unlimited free cash!
    Babyqu1 : So, here they are! Sign up for free today, and let's all make a ton a money!!! Enjoy:
    Babyqu1 :
    Babyqu1 :
    Babyqu1 :
    Babyqu1 :
    Babyqu1 : Have a great day!!! ;)
    Wawryko has just logged in
    Wawryko : I am looking for an ecommerce solution that would allow me to tell the client (they email me requesting a quote on shipping a product). I provide them with that quote (after soliciting the cheapest rate from multiple shippers) which they add to a box in t