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    RedRoseib : In my world I find myself gross.
    xLuka : Your world is silly.
    RedRoseib : Ehhhhhh. ITS OKAY
    xLuka : K.
    xLuka : I'm watching Grump 2 and the others play Guns of Icarus.
    RedRoseib : I need to watch that.
    xLuka : Exion is on their team.
    xLuka : Exion is the best.
    RedRoseib : I don't even know who that is.
    xLuka : WHAT
    xLuka : YOU DON'T KNOW EXION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    RedRoseib : NO I DONT
    xLuka : Neither do I.
    xLuka : He's some random.
    RedRoseib : /Facepalm.
    RedRoseib : Frontal cannons.
    xLuka : Flamrthrowoer.
    RedRoseib : o3o
    RedRoseib : I am watching outtakes now.
    WhiteWolfie : Penis.
    RedRoseib : meh.
    WhiteWolfie : *pokes*
    RedRoseib : /Was poked and blinked as she looked at him./ Hm>
    WhiteWolfie : *leaps into your lap*
    RedRoseib : /Was leaped onto, blinking as she raised a brow./
    WhiteWolfie : *smiles, looking at her*
    RedRoseib : /Blinks./ Shouldn't you be cuddling your dude? :o
    WhiteWolfie : Can't I cuddle both?
    WhiteWolfie : *throws my arms around her middle*
    RedRoseib : Don't care, I'm not liked that much so I'm just going to stay here. Luka I think died. <<
    WhiteWolfie : You might wanna use different action marks. It screams "anime".
    RedRoseib : /Sighs./ Kay.
    WhiteWolfie : It also wouldn't hurt to actually participate instead of sit there, like a lump.
    RedRoseib : Everyone tends to not acknowlage me or I'm not known enough so I'm like a lower pity.
    RedRoseib : So how can I when I never get a chance? This is why I am gone in the first place.
    WhiteWolfie : Then acknowllage them!
    RedRoseib : How am I when I do they dont?!
    WhiteWolfie : Don't wait for someone to poke you or something.
    RedRoseib : /Facepalm./ Nevermind.
    WhiteWolfie : Same.
    RedRoseib : Well, have fun. I'm going to go chill and draw.
    RedRoseib : Bye.
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    WhiteWolfie : Bye. D:
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