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    toxyanna : It does? do u miss high school?
    rex3rd : nope not at all. i like being free ha ha
    toxyanna : Free for a second...than work xD ya thats free haha
    rex3rd : ive been at it sence 17 paying on a morgage bills ext. lack two years of being dept free
    toxyanna : Oh! i might move out soon. with a friend fosterparents dont know x3
    rex3rd : live life while your young. i never had that chance. grew up way too fast
    toxyanna : Ohhhh...but i hate life here too much kids.
    rex3rd : then move elsewhere. theres a whole world out there for you. im stuck here due to work
    toxyanna : ya...i might it means money though...
    rex3rd : just save back. it might mean less fun stuff. but in the long run you will see the world in a diffrent angel if youmoveon
    toxyanna : oh wait i get 1000$ soon. :D
    rex3rd : well there ya go. thats enough to start a new life
    toxyanna : put im giving some of it to charity
    toxyanna : *but
    rex3rd : wel thats awesome to here from someone so young
    toxyanna : I just don't like ppl...u know struggling. <.<
    rex3rd : dang where the only ones on this chatroom. what time is it in canada....yea i feel ya
    toxyanna : lolz its ok. And its 10;10
    toxyanna : not to sound like a creep but...ur body is hot
    rex3rd : its 11:13 pm in alabama lol and i gotta be at work at 6 but i cant sleep
    toxyanna : dang! And im in alberta richest province in canada cuz of oil fields
    rex3rd : its an old pic but thanks lol i dont have any newer photos on this computer. its old as dirt lol
    toxyanna : so cost of living is high as hell
    toxyanna : and cool
    rex3rd : cost of liveing here is reasionable i guess. if i work over time i have a good bit of extra money xD
    toxyanna : That's interesting :) people get mad at me cuz i spent 100$ on pants... i mean the 10$ ones dont come in my size
    rex3rd : if thats what you like then go for it. its your money and u earned it. lol
    toxyanna : im tall for a girl. And the only pants my size is in the city for 100$ -.- i hate being tall
    rex3rd : im 5ft 6 so i dont think im that tall really. and im really skinny for my age. only weigh 115
    toxyanna : cool. i'm 5'9 -.-
    rex3rd : well ur not that taller than me ha ha but your still taller
    toxyanna : idk...honestly im not ppls first pick cuz im extremely shy...which makes me seem stuck up
    toxyanna : which im not i just get shy when ppl talk and its dumb
    rex3rd : well im an outcast. i have no friends outside of work and have no time to socalize
    rex3rd : im very outspoken sorta
    toxyanna : haha i have barely any friends here except Simon who is my cousin...and lizzy whose a stoner
    rex3rd : i just keep to myself really. do ya have a facebook ?
    toxyanna : ya i do
    rex3rd : how hard is it too look someone up that 10,000 miles or more from you? lol if its easy you can look me up
    toxyanna : Kai Didzena is me
    rex3rd : its wierd that your really the first person ive talked to in this chatroom any your pretty cool
    toxyanna : Oh well thanks :D
    rex3rd : your welcome. im trying to find you via my phone internet now lol
    toxyanna : Cool find me?
    rex3rd : yep sent u a request xD
    toxyanna : gtg remote keeps dying ttyl
    rex3rd : ok bye lol
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