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    l2ing : yellow
    l2ing : ermergerrrd
    LCRain : am I in?
    LCRain : confused
    l2ing : yes
    l2ing : you are c:
    l2ing : I had to add you to the list of allowed users
    LCRain : err ok
    LCRain : that will make it hard for people to join here
    l2ing : xD
    l2ing : yeah they would have to ping me first
    l2ing : which I honestly don't mind
    l2ing : Keep out random people/spammers
    l2ing : awesome. if only I could make the chat area a little bigger somehow...
    l2ing : okay now it's allowed for unregistered users
    LCRain : I'm trying to figure out things on here it's really too confusing
    l2ing : xD
    l2ing : yay
    l2ing : also i can customize this chatroom which i may do right now a little
    LCRain : ok
    LCRain : ugh I gotta get off hell is breaking loose
    l2ing : o.o
    LCRain has just logged in