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Log In : happens next in ariya times, based on ture stories by lolitas life
    stripesal : lol ur going to take a different path than me
    stripesal : after my lowes point i started to grow ig : life gets better, but it can get worse too, right?
    stripesal : this si what i mean
    stripesal : ur nto ready to grow yet : i dont know, look, why the fuck cant anyone just tell me anything,
    stripesal : what do u wanna know : im not sure if im ready for the answer, : did we have anyother hw? : whats your favourt book?
    stripesal : dont think so
    stripesal : my fav book
    stripesal : is dorian grey
    stripesal : i told u that b4 klol
    stripesal : wbu : not really sure, few i know are great but cant pick : fav tea?
    stripesal : u asked me that be4 too
    stripesal : ok fav movie
    stripesal : ? : mvp? lol dont watch much moives : best dream you've ever had.?
    stripesal : mvp? and i only have nightmares or weird ones
    stripesal : never mind once i one a billion $ :  a place you remember from your childhood.
    stripesal : all of them
    stripesal : 10/10 memory
    stripesal : are we playing 21 questions : eey,, i guess so, hard to think of questions tho : your tunr
    stripesal : lol kk
    stripesal : uhm fav thing u own : laptop, guitar, phone, skateboard, viola, thats all i know so far : hbu?
    stripesal : records, post card, some of my book, my pencils and notebooks and stickers
    stripesal : and old watcha dn clock
    stripesal : fav piece of clothing : a t-shirt i got fpr 9th b-day, only thing i rember best friend by, shirt too small, but good memor : and your self?
    stripesal : idk : oh ya, why is butter yellow?
    stripesal : o god : lol what, im asking : have you played any other insterments?
    stripesal : yo
    VirtuallyWhatever : Yo
    VirtuallyWhatever : hey, sorry, phone doesnt update emails
    VirtuallyWhatever has just logged in