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    Rachel851 : B/c I like chatting with people in my room.
    Sick135 : aa, ok
    Sick135 : no problemo
    Sick135 : and why have you created your own room?
    Sick135 : is there any particular reason for that?
    nightwulf14 : hey i need some help. i'm trying ana and need some motivation on how to start it
    Rachel851 : Ana?
    cowboy4320 : hi
    nightwulf14 : yeah trying to loss weight fast
    Rachel851 : Hello, CB. How are you?
    cowboy4320 : good n you
    Rachel851 : Doing well, thanks.
    Rachel851 : Why are you trying to lose weight, wulf?
    cowboy4320 : good so what is going on?
    Rachel851 : Not too much.
    cowboy4320 : i see
    Rachel851 : Yeppers. Welcome to my room. :)
    cowboy4320 : i am just curious as to why i am here
    Rachel851 : I like chatting in here, and I invite people.
    cowboy4320 : ok i see
    nightwulf14 : i want to be back ot my old self before having a kid two yrs ago
    Rachel851 : So are you married, girlfriend, cowboy?
    cowboy4320 : no gf not married at the
    Rachel851 : I see. What's your age?
    cowboy4320 : i am 65 old but not dead
    Rachel851 : Funny. Do you live alone, with family or friends?
    cowboy4320 : i live alone....have a small ranch here....
    Rachel851 : I see. Any kids?
    cowboy4320 : son and daughter, both married son in calif. and daughter in N. Carolina
    juggles411 : hi
    cowboy4320 : you married rachel
    Rachel851 : Yes, cowboy. Welcome to the room, juggles.
    cowboy4320 : ok, and what is your most favorite thing to do
    Rachel851 : Travel.
    cowboy4320 : sounds nice,,, I travel when I get the chance, last year went to naples and milan...
    Rachel851 : Cool.
    cowboy4320 : does your hubby like to travel too
    Rachel851 : Yes.
    cowboy4320 : do you both chat here?
    Rachel851 : No.
    cowboy4320 : then only yo play around
    cowboy4320 : i didnt think so
    cowboy4320 : anyone here?
    nightwulf14 has just logged in
    nightwulf14 has just logged in
    stevegowan123 : rachel, interested in some hot sex?
    nightwulf14 has just logged in
    jamesdunlop74 : florida any1???
    jamesdunlop74 : hi rachel851 how are you?
    nightwulf14 has just logged in