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    xVapios : PRETTY SURE.
    PrinceBunBun : o-o
    PrinceBunBun : I know Oscar
    xVapios : Yee.
    xVapios : You know my FIRST name.
    xVapios : Not my middle and last.
    xVapios : ouo
    BriantheDeserter : I don't remember your first name.
    BriantheDeserter : Remind me.
    xVapios : ...
    xVapios : Brian.
    BriantheDeserter : I know I said it was cool to me.
    xVapios : It's literally.
    BriantheDeserter : Not yours.
    BriantheDeserter : I don't care about yours.
    xVapios : Carson LITERALLY just sa-
    xVapios : Oh.
    xVapios : WOW
    xVapios : FUCK YOU TOO MATE.
    xVapios : Owowowowowowo...
    xVapios : Brainfreeeeeeze.
    TeslaNovaStar : You mean my name Brian?
    BriantheDeserter : Yes.
    TeslaNovaStar : Also you need to re-add me to skype. I got a new one.
    BriantheDeserter : Ohhh yeah.
    BriantheDeserter : A new new one?
    BriantheDeserter : Easier to add me.
    BriantheDeserter : Obvious skype name is obvious.
    TeslaNovaStar : I just traid said it couldn't find you
    BriantheDeserter : brianthedeserter ?
    BriantheDeserter : Try just The Deserter.
    TeslaNovaStar : Found you
    PrinceBunBun : Aleks froze on me D:<
    BriantheDeserter : Wait, what?
    PrinceBunBun : The website I'm on to do my math homework!
    BriantheDeserter : Ohhhh.
    TeslaNovaStar : Math is evil.
    TeslaNovaStar : Night all
    BriantheDeserter : Good night.
    OresVesron : *Herasy all up in here*
    OresVesron : *You get a herasy, you get a herasy, EVERYBODY GETS HERASY!*
    OresVesron : *Khornate*
    OresVesron : *Slaanesh*
    OresVesron : *Tzeench*
    OresVesron : *Nurgle*
    OresVesron : *Herasy over here, over there, and some in that corner*
    chathour : OresVesron has been banned from this chat room.
    OresVesron : Heresy
    OresVesron : All the heresy