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    LordEvermore : *softly chucked* indeed! enjoy yourself!
    XxScenoChickxX : you and i both Niv
    Niviene : yeeeeeessss!!!!! o3o -epic dolphin dives at the lake cuz why not-
    Sociopath01 : -I lay back and close my eyes breathing shallowly and slowly-
    LordEvermore : now where did i put my quill at? *looks around*
    XxScenoChickxX : -gives Russell a hug-
    Sociopath01 : -I hug Sceno back lightly and carefully not used to being hugged-
    LordEvermore : gtg, will log on later
    Sociopath01 : See ya Evermore
    XxScenoChickxX : see you later
    Niviene : hehehe! if im slow, im getting ready for school
    Niviene : so bear with me
    XxScenoChickxX : -goes and sits by the shore of the lake-
    Niviene : where are dem biscuits! D:
    XxScenoChickxX : idk where are zeh biscuits
    Niviene : -posts missing posters of biscuits everywhere-
    Sociopath01 : -I get up and walk to the lake shore and sit away from anyone just watching the water-
    XxScenoChickxX : lmao
    Niviene : XD hey if im free to rp here i can act like a dork if i wanted to lol!!
    XxScenoChickxX : -smiles and tosses niv the biscuits- agreed
    Niviene : -shares biscuits with everyone- o3o
    Niviene : supercalifragilisticespeildali
    Niviene : fuck i cant spell it
    XxScenoChickxX : supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?
    Niviene : YES!!!!
    Niviene : i got a new word
    XxScenoChickxX : ononmanotopeia
    Sociopath01 : -I get up then walk to a tree and climb it-
    Niviene : sonofafuckingbitchsheissuchameanie
    Niviene : gtg love yall
    Sociopath01 : Bye Niv
    XxScenoChickxX : bye niv see you later
    Sociopath01 : Whelp now back to being quiet not knowing what to say nor do
    XxScenoChickxX : ^-^
    Sociopath01 : Well miss may I ask what I may call you?
    XxScenoChickxX : elizabeth is fine
    Sociopath01 : Ok Elizabeth
    XxScenoChickxX : now i feel bad :'(
    Sociopath01 : Why?
    Sociopath01 has just logged out
    Citre has just logged in
    Citre : hmmm
    Citre has just logged in
    Citre has just logged in
    Citre : -_-
    Citre has just logged in
    FallingAngel08 : .......
    Niviene has just logged out
    LordEvermore : I am hosting friendly chat. Click the MENU button above and select my chat room to join me.