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    Purpledinosaurlover : He was extremely annoying
    lesnesman : agreed
    mynameiseric : sorry
    lesnesman : lmao
    Purpledinosaurlover : Its okay eric
    mynameiseric : i been with im for 6 months
    mynameiseric : it happened
    Purpledinosaurlover : Now that its peaceful, what shall we discuss?
    Purpledinosaurlover : Ive been dating my boyfriend for almost 4
    mynameiseric : that ok... just i got drunck and things happened
    mynameiseric : he has pictures
    Purpledinosaurlover : Whats happenin?
    robartes : heya
    Purpledinosaurlover : Waaazzuuuupppp
    robartes : nm bored
    Purpledinosaurlover : Yeah
    robartes : me too
    Purpledinosaurlover : Lol
    robartes : love ur pics so sweet
    Purpledinosaurlover : Thnks
    robartes : my pleasure
    robartes : o wats the chat subject ?
    Purpledinosaurlover : Whatever the heck gets brought up
    Labials : Conc
    Labials : Convo
    robartes : cool so how long u been dating ? is it serioud]s
    Purpledinosaurlover : 4 months and it is. Were having some complications right now though
    robartes : awwww sorry to heaar that
    robartes : hugs
    Purpledinosaurlover : Yeah... Check your im
    robartes : well he is a lucky guy ur a pretty girl
    Labials : Cool convo can i join? Lol
    robartes : my IM?
    Purpledinosaurlover : Yeah
    Labials : Ty i thought youre gonna block me for interupting lol
    Purpledinosaurlover : Nope.. I dk the dsame thing
    Labials : Wow u look like a real life mannequin
    Purpledinosaurlover : Thanks?
    robartes : u do look very gorgeous i have to agree
    Purpledinosaurlover : Thanks....
    robartes : u dont need to thank me for telling the truth
    Purpledinosaurlover : Ok
    Labials : U are unlikely to be left off by a guy for sure
    Purpledinosaurlover : I know
    Labials : No ones gonna leave a treasure like you lol i sound cringy btw
    Labials : Purple dinosaur is that barney lol?
    iamshree has just logged out
    lesnesman : hi
    lesnesman : how are all the Idreks doing?