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    Kate9687 : oh no? you are going to revert me?
    cureeus100 : You’re staying here until I get your info
    Kate9687 : try to hold me haha
    Kate9687 : im pretty strong
    cureeus100 : I stand in front of your car door….you’re not going anywhere
    Kate9687 : don't you dare grab that key
    Kate9687 : i push against you
    cureeus100 : Give it to me
    Kate9687 : no way
    cureeus100 : I try taking it
    Kate9687 : i resist
    Kate9687 : i slip to the ground
    cureeus100 : I push you
    Kate9687 : omg
    Kate9687 : holding on to your legs
    cureeus100 : I fall to the ground
    Kate9687 : we are wrestling on the ground
    cureeus100 : I grab your hair
    Kate9687 : i grab your hair
    Kate9687 : haha
    Kate9687 : so funny
    cureeus100 : Ya
    cureeus100 : Continue
    cureeus100 : ?
    Kate9687 : omg what are we dong here?
    cureeus100 : Tussling like two wo
    cureeus100 : Women
    Kate9687 : we are fighting like cats
    cureeus100 : You roll on top
    Kate9687 : i try to push you down
    Kate9687 : holding both your hands with my hands
    Kate9687 : so you can't push me away
    cureeus100 : Bumping and trying to sway you off
    Kate9687 : i feel your pelvis against mine
    cureeus100 : I feel yours pushing back
    Kate9687 : this ia crazy
    Kate9687 : still here?
    cureeus100 : Yes
    Kate9687 : i want to stop this
    cureeus100 : Ok
    Kate9687 : be friends
    cureeus100 : Yes
    Kate9687 : may i kiss you?
    larrissa30 : yes
    cureeus100 : you are here
    larrissa30 : i put more pics in my profiel
    cureeus100 : like me to post more?