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Log In : hallo : hallo : geia..hi : hi : Jesus loves you and died for you. Believe with your heart and confess with your mouth. Please ask Him to come into your heart. Ask Him to forgive you of your sins and to be your : Jesus loves all of you : Jesus shed His last drop of blood for you on t : the cross : hey
    badgirlx18 has just logged in
    badgirlx18 : who can help me but a curse on someone? : who does voodoo i need help
    Darkwolf2666 : hey
    Darkwolf2666 : can yall change me into something
    tgruber78 : hi
    tgruber78 : i need help
    barbarasweety : what's the fee for the spells?
    barbarasweety : hi
    barbarasweety has just logged out : Ummm... What kind of magic do you guys practice? I'm a sorcerer
    Tisha1218 : anyone know any spells to get my crush to try to have sex with me : hello : i need some questions answered
    FDH12 has just logged in
    FDH12 has just logged in
    thicklittle13 : hiiiiiii
    thicklittle13 : i need someone to turn me into a puppy hybrind,human with puppy ears and tail,or a vampire or to be in my fav tv show plz,ill do anything
    BodyBags00 has just logged in
    BodyBags00 has just logged out
    jjaywave has just logged in
    Annamarisa : Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours -
    BodyBags00 has just logged in
    jjaywave has just logged in
    cummytummy : is voodoo like wicca? im not trying to be a smart ass im genuinely curious