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    seraphimfirez : Hello? Anyone drunk as well?
    seraphimfirez : le sigh...
    seraphimfirez : never can find an adequate chat room for my addiction...ah, well, it's all right
    seraphimfirez : I'm going back to drinking golden vodka and waiting for a chat partner : anyone here?
    screemineagle : what hap
    screemineagle : come on you drunk ass holes
    screemineagle :  i have not begun to defile me self!!!
    screemineagle : the other chat rooms is a retard craft show!!!!! : hey : any one here : wooo : tell me what did you ppl drink : Hello : who is drinking alone? : looking for a place to talk : without risking your reputation : hello ppl? : slap : dfads : anyone on? : hi : anyone on this? : Hello, I am on the piss and want to chat :-) : I will stay here for a while, well at least until my beer glass is empty : Hello hello hello hello : My WIFI is so slow : How slow you ask? : Come oooooonnnnnnn someone ask!!!! : anyone here yet???
    pogu91 : hi
    pogu91 : wtf are you debating here ?
    pogu91 :  guest 121
    pogu91 : i'm with you : hey
    TjMAX124 : on a scale of 1-10 how drunk r u : hllo : I'm drunk : ayyyyyyyyyyyy : drunk chat : i just pissed in ym empty bottle of beer : it was too small