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Log In : Hey
    allhopeisgone18 has just logged in
    allhopeisgone18 : Hi?
    natm : Hey? : hey : hi : '-'
    jediforce101 : is anyone here right now? : Hi? : hello? : hello. : hi
    TheSmileThatKills : Hi : hey, can anyone help me : i don't want to cut, but selfharm : any metodes to selfharm : without cut
    BallerinaCutter : Hi..anyone here ?
    jinxx1423 : hi : hi? : hi : hi?
    Roryroro : Hello? : hi
    Jillybeans36 has just logged in
    Jillybeans36 : Hi : Hello : hi
    TheBrokeAngel : anyone who knows how to make really good deep cuts?
    TheBrokeAngel has just logged in : I have the same question as TheBrokenAngel. : Hey I had a couple questions
    SlyFoxKiller : Deep cuts depends on what type of blade you use...
    Han29 : How do u self harm badly? : Hello? : god i wish people were in here : hello : any tips to cut deep?
    DeadGirlx has just logged out
    Free4spirits has just logged in
    Free4spirits : Hello? : hai : hello : any tips to just self harm in general : or starting : 7/9/2017
    AloneWithMyself : Hi
    AloneWithMyself : Two years ago...
    AloneWithMyself : Guess I don't need to answer now.