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    ainv379 : Greetings!
    ainv379 : Hello! : hi : hi : Hey everyone! : Is there anybody in here that is experiencing pain?
    SeekNmyVixen : for 38 years and lookn forward to another 38 or more years of fighting back everyday : )
    SeekNmyVixen has just logged in
    SeekNmyVixen has just logged in
    SeekNmyVixen has just logged in
    SeekNmyVixen has just logged in
    SeekNmyVixen has just logged in
    SeekNmyVixen has just logged in
    SeekNmyVixen has just logged in
    SeekNmyVixen has just logged in : Hello : I"m in pain : Merry Christmas : Hey , I am 18 Male , My Doctor wants to try Ketamine CIII Oral for Cronic pain.??? : it does not act on the opaite receptors but acts on the NMDA Receptor like nitrous oxide , PCP : I want to join with you in this pain chat room. Am I in or no??????? : hello : I'm so pissed at 'pain' doctors who won't prescribe opioids for real pain!!!!! : Hello?? : Hello??
    Survivor97 : Anyone out there?
    gunny1776 has just logged in
    gunny1776 has just logged out
    guitarmaninpain : yes
    guitarmaninpain : hello
    guitarmaninpain : anyone out there
    guitarmaninpain : still here
    guitarmaninpain : would like to tak
    guitarmaninpain : talk
    guitarmaninpain : Ive been in chronic pain since 07 : Anyone here : hello?