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    crooked30540 has just logged in
    crooked30540 : obama sucks
    mikemilitia : hello
    WeNeedChange has just logged in
    WeNeedChange : hello? : hello? : anyone? : hi : I'm looking for weapond jobs...who can help??
    blointtrauma420 : Jeuse Christ I say conspirac y theories an this is the best you can give me
    blointtrauma420 : i want like some ex gov official tell me to chat with him or her else where or some kid that can
    blointtrauma420 : point me in the right direction of where to look
    blointtrauma420 : i want you people to look hard because our generation may not live to see 2040 and if we do
    blointtrauma420 : well damn i was wrong and the massive debt owed by our gov or
    blointtrauma420 : aliens that control political power known as the Tall Whites and or MIB wont kill us all : no one has anything to say. but everyone knows it. and even if we say it wat are we doing : nothing
    yeharoca27 : what do you think about the United States Federal Government System? : BUSH DID 9/11 : what occupation would i need if i wanted to impeach a president : Why does the Constitution require an extraordinary majority for the ratification of amendments to the Constitution?
    sovereignty3 : because the constitution is sacred
    sovereignty3 : and not soemthing we want changed often
    sovereignty3 : anyway, don't worry about government . . .
    sovereignty3 : I have found a glorious way to deal with the intnse stress created by government actions
    sovereignty3 : does not anyone want to know my way to confidence, self-recognition and the ultimate freedom?
    sovereignty3 : is anybody there? : hey I started hearing voices in my head one says is barack obama : I feel terrible more that this space is for serious matters : they say they arte killers : another voice says its jesus christ : I feel aweful : what to do? : a link to free medical asistance I am in the street : I feel they are spirits : they says will put aids in my body : they say they will move my bones : and they say they wont allow me to have a girlfriend : he says he is a system : they says will change my handsome face : ruin my penis : will make my skin darker : and it is really changing I barely had contact with the sun and got darker : my head is really a mess! : he says is an indigenous from mexico and says from san nicolas san luis potosi : hi : the gov should just nuke isis
    Annamarisa : Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours -
    Dizzy812 has just logged out