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    oldgaffer : does any ever use these rooms
    AlexandriaVodka6976 : When somone get's this IM me.
    gruntusmc77 : Whats up detroit
    Neriah30 : Whta's going on, Detroit Peeps?
    Neriah30 : I might be moving out that way from the west coast sometime soon.
    odditygirl : hello there, i'm kat
    MissouriLost : anyone here in detroit?
    MissouriLost : im in detroit for the week. Was hoping someone could tell me some fun things to do
    twitch313 : Whats going on
    RA1975 : any mature women
    RA1975 : iam from detroit
    kukitt : hola
    kukitt : alguien quiere hablar castellano
    neekommy : hi
    neekommy : احكي معي اذا تريد تنيك اختي
    SksMarksman : ok
    SksMarksman : lol what a name
    SksMarksman : hahahah fuck is this name old
    SksMarksman has just logged out