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    Cleaver1 : Io mincce vreau
    RoofussClayTiles : My mate like you
    Cleaver1 : Minc
    RoofussClayTiles : Laxa would I ever let you down
    Eireanborn87 has just logged out
    Cleaver1 : Voi dumicati ce puteti
    Serhattt86 has just logged in
    NAToAsian58746 : Pasito a Pasito..Suave..Suavecito...Nos vamos pegando....Paquito a paquito........Y es que esa belleza es un rompecabezaaaaaaaa..... Pero para montarlo aquí Tengo la piezaaaaaa....Oyeee....Despecito...
    BART3ND3R : OMG! look who is here , it is Serhattt86
    MarioMax : i want to smash laxadys pakistani face with a butter chicken
    laxadazy : mario run along to Onlychinks and find your mother u slant eyed little fuck
    Beachwalkerii : you shouldnt lie to people Alina if you dont want them to lie to you
    Serhattt86 : Halüü
    laxadazy : sure i know that syd
    wretchedknight : Nu furi
    SteelFoil : Onlyleprechauns is where ive seen ur profile
    laxadazy : hi beach
    RoofussClayTiles : Ok good I hope so
    laxadazy : hi tik
    MarioMax : serhatt you are like the turkish Jesus Christ
    Beachwalkerii : Hey Laxa whats Up Lady!!!!:)
    Cleaver1 : Beach i dont lie
    laxadazy : and we all saw yours on fat
    Cleaver1 : Im not a ham person
    heatherk88 has just logged in
    BART3ND3R : Hi heatherk88 what u wanna drink today?
    RoofussClayTiles : Laxa you know how like tag team wrestlers go solo
    laxadazy : hey bechy not much
    Cleaver1 : I do not put in borsul de fasole ..ham
    wretchedknight : Serhat u ok ?
    RoofussClayTiles : We best mates but it’s golf
    creamation : laxa is an angry stumpy bitch
    laxadazy : save typing to me monk u fat cunt u are blocked
    Cleaver1 : Borsul de fasole e borsul de fasole
    creamation : chump with a stump
    Serhattt86 : Yep
    Serhattt86 : how are you guys
    Cleaver1 : LMAO
    laxadazy : lmao says goonie who doesnt even like herself
    MarioMax : laxayd is angry like welshie the older the get the more bitter they are
    creamation : yep
    wretchedknight : Am good Serhat, just chilling at home
    creamation : so true matt
    Beachwalkerii : i see the angry old homeless hag is in!!! LOL
    laxadazy : your bf hated u enough to kill himself rather than fuck u goonie
    creamation : yeah you are here, beach
    Cleaver1 : LOGGED IN SAME TIME
    NAToAsian58746 : PM...lolzzz
    creamation : you stupid man hag